Do you remember rain? Yeah, that was cool.

More good news for the wine grapes of California. The state is expected to not get rained on this fall. This is a good article, except for the intense depression that results from reading it, but still you know, well written.

Also it’s got an awesome Dry Lake Bed Porn slideshow at the top of the page. You haven’t seen a floating dock sitting on dry cracked mud until you’ve seen it shot by an artist. Seriously, though, it’s good. Again, except for the depression.

In other news, this is what my neighborhood currently looks like

There’s a Whole Foods behind that second dune.

I’m kidding of course. The humidity in the above photo is way too high.

The power of this blog is IMMENSE.

JUST ONE DAY after I started this blog a report was released showing that Californians cut their water use by a whopping 11.5% in August and Southern Californians in particular cut their usage by nearly 8%.

I need to be more careful with what I type here. Clearly the words I input into this terminal have reality-bending power. It is obvious that launching this blog has caused much of Southern California to time-travel back to August and take shorter showers so that the numbers on this report would be so sparkly.

The thought alone is… staggering.

In other news I’m pretty sure I saw a guy washing off his driveway with a hose when I drove to the market, so clearly not everyone is tuned in to the vibe. I don’t think he knows about the countdown I have going in the sidebar here.

Using a hose as a broom is now illegal in California, and I would report him to one of the estimated 4 water police patrolling all of Los Angeles but I’m pretty sure they’ve got enough ground to cover as it is.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to roll around in a tub of sand in lieu of a shower.