A look ahead to the FUTURE OF DROUGHT.

To Begin:

(A drought haiku)

The sky is so blue

Clouds do not exist up there

Holy crap it’s hot.

People ask me, “What’s the best part about living in Los Angeles?” I always answer, “traffic” because I’m a dick but really that answer is wrong. The BEST part about living in Los Angeles is that in February I have to wear shorts and a sombrero in order to keep from being roasted alive when I go for a walk with my Valentine.

Be my Valentine.

Now, as much as I hate getting roasted alive, I put up with it because I like sunshine. Well the good news is there’s going to be a whole lot more sunshine in the future.

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Uh, at least we get a few years to plan for it. Technology, right? By 2050 we should all be flying around with jet packs and eating those pills that take the place of an entire meal.

I really think we’re heading for a world where each region of the country basically has only one kind of weather. So that if you want to get a tan you’ll head to Los Angeles and if you want to cool off you’ll fly your jetpack up to Seattle and get rained on. That sounds a lot like how things are now but I’m saying that there will ONLY be ONE kind of weather in a given part of the world, and if you want to experience “weather” as an event you’ll purchase a ticket on a special tour to see the tornados that endlessly re-spawn on the plains of the Midwest and the blizzard that perpetually smothers the Northeast. Like the planets in the Star Wars universe which have only one kind of climate. The corner of the country that I’m in will be the future Tatooine of America. Boston will be Hoth. I predict Canada will say f*#& it and just put the whole country under a glass dome.

In Other News:

Drought-wise, things aren’t looking good here in LA, but our reckoning hasn’t come yet. You should be concerned about folks in Brazil. Those of you interested in what it might be like to be in a mega-drought in a mega-city might want to read up on the drought that’s kicking the teeth out of Sao Paulo at the moment.

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Ugh… rationing. Seems so…World War II. And what do they mean when they say “recycle” water?

Oh God no.

Luckily there is also a view from Bloomberg to clarify for us:

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Bloomberg Is Annoyed That You Can’t Read The Future:

It’s kind of like exactly like reading the opinion of a guy who knows life is simple because he figured it all out in the shower. Especially the part where he blames the lack of water in Brazil on … people in Brazil.

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He stops short of calling Brazilians stupid for not getting it to rain more, then he concludes by lamenting their loss in GDP.

We at LosAngelesIsDoomed.com also write about the foibles of our political leaders and the utter lack of leadership on the water management issue, I just think, you know, for a English-reading audience around the world, when you’re talking about a historic natural disaster, you might want to mention, you know … the weather.

We’re All Human:

Seriously, send those folks your prayers, although what they probably want is water. Can you imagine? Not being able to wash your hands? Having to get water out of the sewer to flush your toilet? Drinking water out of a random pipe because it’s the only water available? We write here about drinking from a swimming pool and the absurdity of a green grass lawn in the desert, but in many parts of the world, drinking muddy water from a pipe in a gully is just what you do on a day to day basis. And in Sao Paulo, where they have running water, it comes with a steep learning curve.

Imagine the learning curve in Southern California if this drought drags on. We are depleting the groundwater at an alarming rate, the snowpack sits at a frightening 12% of normal at the end of the storm season. It’s not going to be too much longer before we’re flying public officials up here from Sao Paulo and asking, “Things are totally falling apart here. So, when there wasn’t any rain at your place and your infrastructure started to collapse, what did you guys do?”

In Conclusion: Questions and More Questions:

We are low on water. According to a quick internet search, water covers 71% of the Earth’s surface (I used to know things like that, but the internet age has made fact retention unfashionable.) Most of that is really salty though. There are no pools in my neighborhood either. If the tap runs dry, how will I water myself? Will President Hilary Clinton (seems inevitable at this point) truck water into my neighborhood? Will I become part of an impromptu neighborhood gang that guards the koi pond up the street from interloping water bandits? Will there be martial law? Will I drink more beer? How much will this beer cost? Where can I get some beer right now? Do you have any cash?

From the Department of Missing the Point

One refrain often heard in the halls of LosAngelesIsDoomed.wordpress.com is, “We’re all in this together!” Specifically it’s something that gets said when the staff gathers in our communal shower stall to share a 3-gallon bucket of water for our bi-weekly group bucket bath.

You’ll never get that image out of your head now. Sorry.

But we feel that our shower-time slogan is widely applicable to the rest of California when it comes to the drought. All we have to do is work together, and focus on our shared goal of conserving and managing the water we all share in order to ensure that our supply holds steady for as many people as long as possible.

It is a noble cause.

On the other hand, you get municipalities that are run by assholes like the ones this homeowner is dealing with:

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It seems that city officials in Upland are kind of missing the point, or not noticing the weather.

UPLAND, Calif. (AP) – Fernand Bogman says he’s being a responsible citizen by not watering the grass at his San Bernardino County home during California’s drought.

But officials in the city of Upland say the homeowner is violating the law by keeping his lawn brown instead of green.

Wow! The NERVE  of some people! Not watering their own lawns! What a bad person! But come on, is it really against the law to not water your own yard? OF COURSE IT IS.

The homeowner is charged with two misdemeanors for failing to properly maintain his front yard and parkway space.

This kind of thing would seem ridiculous to me even if all the aquifers were full and the reservoirs were spilling over their banks and mermaids were lolling about in the streets. Really? That’s worth a big fine? There’s a guy in our neighborhood whose entire yard is just dirt and he’s not getting fined by anyone. And when I say dirt I don’t mean it’s dead grass, I mean smooth, even, packed, dry, brown dirt. No plants in sight. Not even a rock.

On the other hand, maybe law enforcement is closely monitoring this blog and are on their way to his house right now after reading this (if that’s the case, sorry Eddie) but I doubt it, because no one reads this blog.

I guess maybe if I were a property owner and the douche next door let his yard die and dragged my property values down I would get upset, especially since a brown, dry lawn is fertile ground for a street gang to set up a crack and meth dealing stand.

Gateway to a life of crime.

Think about it, do you ever see drug dealers selling their poison on a nice green lawn?

Even taking into account the possibility of a crack-dealing operation opening up on my dead lawn, it is beyond ridiculous to fine somebody for not watering when there is so little water. I guess not everyone has gotten the message that the Drought is upon us and that we should fall to our knees like wicked, thirsty sinners and pray for rain and/or snow. But how is that possible? Surely the Drought receives front page attention in all media outlets. Here, I found some links to similar important news stories on the same page:

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Yes. As you can see, all the news here is important.

So anyway, this guy gets threatened with jail if he doesn’t water his grass, I guess he should switch to grapes.

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If you don’t water your grapes you are an “artist” and if you don’t water your lawn you are a “deadbeat.”

“We don’t dry farm in order to save water,” Leeds said. “If we thought we could have more productive or healthier vines, we’d water. Yes, we’re concerned with the environment, but we make more flavorful grapes and more flavorful wine by farming organically and dry farming.”

I think this argument might work well for Mr. Bogman. He could say he’s not watering his grass so that it will produce more flavor.

This grass is so flavorful! It must have been dry-farmed!

We’ve got some bad news, and some bad news.

First the bad news. The Great Drying is still underway.

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“Abysmal” is a big word that I don’t understand, so I looked it up. Here are some additional search suggestions from from the helpful folks at the internet:

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“Abysmal dawn” seemed like a very weird suggestion. So I had to look it up.

abysmal dawn

Well, it turned out to be kind of fitting for the whole theme here.

The surprise is that this whole album is Willie Nelson covers.

I didn’t know that death metal was a thing anymore, then again, I never knew anything about death metal to begin with. But I think I got a handle on the meaning of “abysmal” without having to look anything else up. Incidentally, that album cover is just a photo taken though a car window along Interstate 5.

So the year (that starts in November, of course) isn’t starting well. So what? There will be more rain, right? We’re all going to get through this right? We don’t have to do anything DRASTIC, right?

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Ewwww! Never mind. I guess I won’t be going to Comic-con next year. This story appears in a few places on the web but I like the one on the Guardian website because the comments are so classy:

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As irritating as this kind of gloating over others’ misfortune is, you can’t really blame this person for agreeing with God. We all know what happens if you disagree with Him/Her:

Thou shalt not not concur.

Well there’s gotta be something to balance all this bad news out, right? Maybe one more click will find us some good news!

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Not the pick-me-up I was looking for. In fact, this guy is mad at everyone.

If you live in an area that hasn’t really felt the effects yet, lucky for you. You get to waste water that other parts of California desperately need. The government has apparently decided that half measures (or quarter measures, more accurately) are enough. No real rationing here, just gentle reminders to, you know, not let your runoff spill into the gutters.

Damn gub’mint.

But also: There should be mandatory rationing starting right now. Everyone privately agrees that this is necessary, but it’s so darned unpopular. Politicians are afraid of being caught in some drought backlash. People will want to blame someone, as people often do.

Damn people.

And we are planting thirsty crops. Those almonds, for instance, beloved by people in the Central Valley, heavily promoted — they drink water like water. And, you know, they’re almonds. Would you rather have an almond or a peach? Would you really care if you never saw another almond again? And yet they are still being grown, although in lesser quantities than before.

Damn almonds.

In typing that, I have become part of the tide of public opinion that is turning against irrigators.

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Yeah, just the other day some friends of mine and I got a mob together and went and attacked an almond farm with pitchforks, but just like the headline says, those plucky almond farmers fought back.

I’ll water my almonds with your BLOOD!

Luckily we were able to get back into our school bus and get away.

It’s OK, everyone! I’m alive! I know you were worried.

Wow. What a week.

I haven’t been able to get to my computer to post here for a few days because I was living a crazy adventure.

It started when some of my neighbors and I decided to dig a well in our apartment building. We were digging away, singing work songs like the Seven Dwarves when we uncovered a map that was covered in strange writing.

We took it to a scholar to have it translated for us.

But he was napping, so we just got a few more friends and did the best we could to figure it out. We were underground, and only had a few crappy candles to light our way.

The strange writing turned out to be Spanish, an exotic foreign language that you’ve probably never heard of. One of my neighbors, whom we call “Mouth,” did the best he could to translate. The map was leading us to the treasure of a nefarious pirate named “One-Eyed Willie,” which is an astoundingly phallic name.


We found a lot of brightly lit caves and this bucket.

“I think we should split the bucket 6 ways.”

In the end, we gave up on our adventure because we couldn’t figure out how to divide the bucket. But at least we got the well dug– Oh wait. Never mind.

So I was gone for a while looking for a One-Eyed Willie, but now I am back, unlike Chester Copperpot.

So what’d I miss? Oh right! The state of California continues to dry up. Not only that, but people have become dirty dirty thieves.

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Or, if you prefer:

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That’s right, it’s total lawlessness here now. The lack of water has driven people mad with thirst and we’re all riding dusty horses and shooting each other down in the street in front of the saloon. I should probably get a gun.

I guess it would be inevitable, right? How about this one:

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Desperate people will do desperate things. I’m especially sad for the poor defenseless hydrants that are being so enthusiastically plundered.

But not everyone is a jerk. Remember these?

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I actually saw a couple of these in the wild. I wanted to get a picture but I was too busy driving my car.

Stupid car.

Post Election Wrap Up Wet Wednesday

Wet Wednesdays are a special feature of LosAngelesIsDoomed.wordpress.com. We aim to provide you with gorgeous shots of what you can’t drink, flush, or shower with very much anymore. Enjoy!

(Warren Photographic)

(via deviantart)

And finally:

Things just got real.

Some of you think that this blog is all about doom and gloom, possibly because of the title. However, I’m not just fearmongering here, I’m providing, if not context, then context-like stuff to today’s serious debate on the Drought. If I were irresponsibly trying to whip the public into a frothy panic I would write stories like this one.

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It’s like reading a horror movie. Check out this gem:

“If you drive around here, I could show you thousands of acres of abandoned avocado groves,” said Eric Larson, executive director of the San Diego County Farm Bureau.

Chilling. I envision this interview happening in a basement at night while the soundtrack from Psycho plays and lightning and thunder roil outside (in another part of the country, obviously).

Sorry, ma’am, there’s no guacamole.

Way to go guys, why don’t you just tell us that the Drought is giving us all Ebola?

In another terrifying story, it seems that the Drought is going to shrink the yield of our nuts.

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Which is unfortunate, I like my nuts to yield as much as possible.

But wait there’s more! It seems that not only are we going to have no guacamole and unyielding nuts, we’re just plain going to be out of water, forever it seems.

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Yes, the water that lives waaaay down underground takes a loooooong time to get down there so when it’s pumped out quickly, it’s basically gone. But wait, there’s something about this that seems familiar…

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Hmmmm…. where have I seen that name before?

Oh right.

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Yes, the Op-Ed piece that inspired this entire blog! It seems that I am not the only one who is inspired to put pen to paper by the words of Mr. Famiglietti, but this article actually includes lots of facts and stuff that I’m too lazy busy to read. Truly, Mr. Famiglietti is a man who deserves our adoration and respect.

Here, gaze upon him:

James Famiglietti – Patron saint of LosAngelesIsDoomed.wordpress.com.

That picture links to an article about drinking sewage, by the way.


They say the weather does strange things to people.

It was a dark and stormy Friday night, and the falling rain caused thousands of crazed people to completely lose their minds on the streets of West Hollywood.

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Chaos in the streets.

No really, it did rain on Friday night, look at this shot from the same photoset.

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Does anybody remember where we left the Ark?

It would seem that in order to get it to rain, one needs to have a parade. Same thing in San Francisco, where the Giants World Series Celebration was a bit damp.

The weather did not stop rain-drenched fans from turning up in droves as a procession including Giants players, coaches and staff and others affiliated with the team or the city made its way down Market Street in downtown San Francisco. The parade ended at San Francisco’s Civic Center where mayor Ed Lee presented the team with a key to the city.


It is possible that some West Hollywood revelers were celebrating the Giants’ win too.

Give them the key I say also.

Give them the key I say also.

Possible, but I doubt it.

The good news here of course is that it rained. IT RAINED! IT RAINED! THE DROUGHT IS OVER!!



What? But it RAINED! Water fell from the sky. Surely this means we are out of the drought and I can finally flush the toilet, right?

Rainfall totals in Southern California were also modest. The weather service said rainfall totals were less than a half-inch in the Los Angeles Basin. Camarillo got .71 inches, and that was enough for mudslides that damaged several homes and caused temporary evacuations. The Ventura County Fire Department said it had to rescue one resident.

Less than half an inch? But but but… didn’t they see the rain-soaked hysteria in the streets?



Evidently not. I guess a half inch of rain isn’t enough to fill my bowl. I guess I’ll have to get another brick.

BREAKING NEWS – Clouds appearing in sky over Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES — Hysteria grips the city of Los Angeles this hour as the ever-present sun is currently not visible in the sky. The normally bright, sunny weather that residents have come to expect has been replaced by a cold, dreary hellscape. Many are seeking shelter indoors. LosAngelesIsDoomed.wordpress.com staff is on the streets in force, collecting testimony and gathering facts from a terrified populace.

“It’s like, it’s bright out sort of? But, like, I can’t actually SEE the sun because there’s like, all these clouds?” said local resident Kaylee Lexus, adding, “or whatever?” Typical of residents of this parched, desert city, she was caught completely unprepared for the change in conditions, wearing only booty shorts and a mesh tank top.

When asked how she would cope with the drop in temperature and the low contrast lighting, she responded, “I have two thousand followers on Twitter.”

Government sources are indicating that this “overcast” weather is only the beginning.

“We expect that these clouds are hiding something,” an unnamed source told LosAngelesIsDoomed.com, “and we theorize that it’s going to be something like we’ve never seen before, possibly a clear liquid of some kind that falls to the earth from the sky.”

A prospect that the city is clearly not prepared for. And one that may already be happening.

During the morning rush hour today, a 246-car pileup occurred at the intersection of Santa Monica Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue. The pileup is blamed on a driver who reports losing control of his car after “a drop of water or something hit my windshield from nowhere.” Luckily, traffic was moving at “rush hour speeds” averaging 3 mph and there were no injuries.

Sources close to LosAngelesIsDoomed.wordpress.com say that, if this theoretical “clear liquid” does actually start to fall, that this may indeed be the “rain” that is needed to reverse the Great Drying. Experts, however, warn against such a conclusion.

“Look, we don’t have any idea what we’re seeing here. Rain is just a theoretical construct that explains the findings of certain equations,” says a scientist, who asked not to be named. The same scientist equated our understanding of rain with the search for the Higgs-Boson, “it may be out there, the math says it’s there, but no one has ever seen it. It’s incredibly hard to detect.”

Today the city remains on high alert. City Hall has urged residents to remain calm and indoors and to take “extra vitamin D in whatever form you have available.”

“I put on sunscreen this morning like I always do, but it seems like a waste now,” reports Uber driver Kent Kentle, “and I couldn’t get a bed in a tanning salon anywhere. They’re all overbooked!”

Can’t just let it go.

We all want to save water and yet we all want pretty yards. Looking about for water saving tips I stumbled upon this terrifying headline.

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What? Are you NUTS? I mean, sure they’re sexy and have wings and only wear bikinis no matter what the weather is like but they’re BLOODSUCKERS. Why would you want one of THESE around for any reason?


But as it turns out, I was confusing the winged bikini demon woman with this:

We will cut your water bill.

Still scary.

Getting rid of plants is now big business here in the Droughtland. Of course, it is too inexpensive to just let them die, here in America we prefer to buy something to take their place. Succubusseses are one way to do it, another is just to get a Brady Bunch lawn.

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It does however seem kind of silly to water the artificial grass. Turns out, that’s not water he’s spraying.

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Ewww. I think I’d rather just have a dirt yard for the dogs to pee in.

Finally, though, we’ve got a handle on this thing. That’s because the most powerful force in the world has decided to do something. Someone more powerful that the Federal Government and the Pope combined.

Who am I talking about? Advertisers.

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The campaign seems to revolve around these signs:

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Sort of a “F*** you I’m letting my grass die FOR THE HIGHER GOOD” sign to post in your yard.

Frankly, it’s a good idea. If there’s one thing we’ve learned today, it’s that we’re all very self-conscious about our plants.

Wet Wednesdays Episode Two

Wet Wednesdays is a regular feature of LosAngelesIsDoomed.wordpress.com. Please enjoy the watery-ness.

This looks a little like paint.

And finally: