Are you f***ing kidding me??

Just like all mammals, city officials need water too.

The Press Enterprise has released an article detailing how much water certain public officials have been using; public officials that are calling for conservation, that are imposing restrictions, that are doing everything they can to make sure California doesn’t completely go bone dry.

How much water do they need personally? Not much. Only a million gallons a year.

Now I know that sounds like a lot. But I think that’s got to be pretty average, isn’t it? Let me see, I hate math but if I divide a million by 365 I should get the amount of water used per day which I’m sure isn’t too fa—-OVER 2,700 GALLONS A DAY??!!


I mean I don’t live in Riverside where Councilman “Baron von Million Gallons” Mike Soubirous lives, but at this point WE’RE ALL KIND OF DRINKING OUT OF THE SAME BUCKET if you get my meaning and that bucket is NEARLY EMPTY and this guy just has to keep his LAWN green.

There are people in this state and region who have no water. People who turn on the tap and NOTHING COMES OUT and this guy is voting to impose major water restrictions on his city while his freaking lawn sucks up over 2,700 gallons a day!

Oh, what I could do with ONE DAY’S worth of the water he uses! I could fill the bathtub all the way to the top! I could shower for (average shower 2.5 gallons per minute into 2700 gallons…oh screw it) hours and hours! I could flush the toilet after EVERY PEE! I could fill an above ground pool and have mock naval battles in the yard! I could float my yacht! (I don’t have a yacht)

This must be how the poor people of Arrakis felt under the rule of the Baron Soubirous Harkonnen.

I found this photo of Councilman Soubirous conducting a town hall meeting.

“I’m going to need you to cut back on your water use. You see my plants . . . my plants are so thirsty.”

Green thumb, indeed.

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